Sunday, December 12, 2010

  A detailed timeline that confirms all project activities will be completed by April 1st, 2011.

Dear  Collaborates,
There is some information about the deadlines we are expected to meet while working on our project. Thank you for your understanding and help in meeting the deadlines and organising our project properly.
Greetings from snowy Poland,

September 2010 Online contacts with all TEA fellows involved or those who wish to be involved into the project - sharing duties, making the project expectations` clear, giving deadlines, creating our blog. Setting deadlines – especially with Dr JoeMcNulty a project professional support, partners: Waldemar Sedkowski and Guillermo Lopez Ossa.
Talking with co-authors about the articles and deadlines available to meet by them. 
Setting up `books` blog` by Guillermo Lopez Ossa and Anna Krzeminska-Kaczynska. 
To be in a contact with all authors and collaborate our work (Anna Krzeminska-Kaczynska)

October 2010 PLEASE SEND ME CONFIRMATION VIA EMAIL YOU FOR 100% WRITE AN ARTICLE TO OUR BOOK! Sending to the editor (Anna Krzeminska-Kaczynska) first drafts; then the articles also go to native speakers (correction) and Guillermo from Colombia (computer formula) and Waldemar Sedkowski - to discuss/edit.
To update our blog (Anna Krzemińska-Kaczyńska/Guillermo Lopez Ossa). 

Contact with a publishing company in Poland (1st meeting).

November 2010 Sending to the editor articles from TEA fellows; then the articles also go to native speakers (correction) and Waldemar Sedkowski - to discuss/edit.
To update our blog (Anna Krzemińska-Kaczyńska/Guillermo Lopez Ossa, Waldemar Sedkowski)
To be in a contact with all authors and collaborate our work (Anna Krzemińska-Kaczyńska ).

December 2010 
a) Sending to the editor final versions of the articles;
b) meeting: Anna Krzemińska-Kaczyńska and Waldemar Sedkowski (POLAND) will meet together to organize future actions of publishing in Poland (Krakow). Edit the final version of the book. 
c) To update our blog (Guillermo Lopez Ossa, Anna Krzemińska-Kaczyńska)
d) To send all articles to Dr Joe McNulty to read them
To be in a contact with all authors and colla
borate our final work (Anna Krzemińska-Kaczynńska). 
If there are any changes they should be corrected by the end of December. 
To send all articles to Dr Joe McNulty to read them and if needed do some corrections. 
Contact with a publishing company in Poland (2nd meeting)
December 2010/January 2011 Contact with a publishing company in Poland (3rd meeting)
After the reading by a native speaker of English, Guillermo LopezOssa will prepare the final version with final corrections and pictures included in the texts. With Waldemar Sedkowski and native speaker Hugh Bilton we will organize the details and final version of our book – ready to be printed out. 
Contact with a publishing company in Poland (4th meeting)

January/February 2011 Publishing the Book in Poland and sending to participants and country representatives` embassies (organizing parcels etc by Anna Krzemińska-Kaczyńska, Waldemar Sedkowski – Poland). That`s why there are two visits of Waldemar in Krakow. The first is needed to organize the whole process of writing, being in touch with TEA fellows, discussing books` details and the second is due to print and organize publishing and sending parcels. 

We do believe that no later than in February the book will be ready. 
To load links of our blog and put some final information about the book on University of Nabraska website ( Dr Joe McNulty). 
 March 2011 Evaluation - online questionnaire after reading our book. To load results on our `book-blog`.

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